
What are the skills for teaching?

The most important skills for teaching are:

Critical Thinking – As teachers, you will face difficult scenarios daily, so it is imperative to think critically to resolve these issues well.

Teachers should be calm & composed & handle any situation on a regular basis.

Apart from protecting student interests, teachers should remember the objectives of the institution where they work.

Critical thinking involves teachers recognizing parent expectations regarding academics & ensure a safe & nurturing environment for the learners.

Teachers can develop critical thinking by practising self-awareness at all times.

They should discard prejudice and work to realize all stakeholders’ objectives.

Patience–is an inherent trait that allows one to handle stressful situations. Every class will have a variety of pupils from distinct backgrounds, personalities & learning curves. The dedicated child will take part in class discussions and complete assignments on time.

They should motivate the talkative ones to study by involving them in the learning process.

A class comprises students of different learning curves, hence the teacher should empathize with slow learners & encourage them to work hard.

An educator who carries the entire class & fosters revolutionary improvements in weak students is the true educator.

Communication skills – The ability to communicate well: Physics teachers who teach difficult concepts well students admire them.

A clear verbal communication is imperative because the teacher’s primary role is to explain the concepts well.

They should exhibit effective physical communication by maintaining eye contact so that learners pay attention in class. Through clear communication, an educator grabs the class’s attention, leading to conceptual clarity.  

Although a teacher may not be the most knowledgeable, presenting the topic in an easy-to-understand manner can lead to clarity of concepts.

Different skills for teaching

Presentation Skill: A topic well-presented can boost the learner’s confidence because they have understood. Teachers can use OHP, smart class, or practical demonstration to clarify the topic.

While presenting the topic, they should ask probing questions to ensure students pay attention to the class. They should involve students in the learning process because lecturing will make them lose interest in the topic.

They should give students assignments, quizzes, lab practical’s to internalize the concept leading to placements.

Organization skills: Teachers manage many things aside from teaching. They have to prepare assessments, check & upload marks before the due date. All this requires excellent organizational skills. Teachers should be disciplined enough to complete their tasks within time, otherwise they cannot mature into effective teachers.

Creative thinking abilities: The teaching profession is challenging, as different topics require a particular approach to clarify the concept.

Higher secondary teachers can use multimedia or PowerPoint presentations that allow students to imbibe the concepts with ease.

Teachers should brainstorm the most effective way to teach a topic so that students gain maximum leverage from teaching. No one method fits all. This should motivate teachers to find creative ways to clarify difficult topics with ease.

Leadership Skills: Everyone wants to get promoted and teachers are no different. Those who take on additional responsibility catch the attention of management and get promoted.

Teachers should take part in other activities like sports events that refine their management skills.

One should volunteer for additional roles apart from teaching, because leadership is a valuable skill for teaching.

Collaborative skills for teaching

Team players: Educators collaborate regularly because they teach many classes. If they practice teamwork, they can maintain work & life balance because their colleagues can take their classes in an emergency.

While developing a curriculum & timetable for the current session, they can listen to each other’s viewpoints & arrive at a mutually agreed teaching framework.

Time Management: One of the most significant skills for teaching is time management, because teachers manage a variety of tasks apart from teaching. They copy check, prepare assessments, lesson plans & prepare topics for the next week.

All this requires meticulous planning because all these tasks must be accomplished in due time. It is important that they prioritize and complete the most urgent tasks before the deadline and allocate time for the rest of the work to be finished.

Computer skills: Schools adopt ICT because it makes topics easy to understand. Tools like smart class, & class edge use multimedia that makes topics easy to grasp. The Internet provides a plethora of resources that teachers can use to prepare a topic in the most efficient manner for ease of understanding.

Good computer & goggling skills are one of the most valuable skills for teaching because they provide many options for efficient teachers.

Conflict resolution skills: Teachers often have to resolve conflicts between students on petty issues like cheating or bullying. They should exhibit empathy & offer solutions that work best for all parties.

Schools & colleges impart knowledge and refine the personality of the students.

A teacher mentors weak students & offers them ample opportunities to grow.

Teachers should stop aggressive students from bullying the weak ones because a teacher’s primary role is to ensure all students get equal opportunities to grow. Conflict resolution is a primary skill for teaching.

Lifelong learning

In addition to the above, the most important skill today is constantly upgrading yourself.

Schools & colleges are concerned about results and recruit instructors who can nurture conceptual understanding. This leads to better performance on competitive tests like JEE & NEET.

Teachers should take part in refresher classes to improve their teaching style, leading to better results for the students. A teacher teaches all other professions, therefore, they should upgrade themselves to bring excellence to teaching.

No one is born intelligent. It’s the teacher who generates interest in the topic by teaching for understanding.

Whatever the effort, teachers should go the extra mile because empathizing with students with different learning abilities is one of the most important skills for teaching.

A major reason for students losing interest in science is because teachers cannot create interest in the topic. This is because they just want to complete the syllabus. When teachers make the topic interesting by showing the outcome in labs, students will find science easy & nurture scientific temperament.

Science & technology is the backbone of a nation’s growth because they lead to innovations that fuel economic growth.

Nations like Japan & Germany excel because their teachers clarify the topic by demonstrating the outcome in labs leading to conceptual clarity. Such conceptual clarity not only drives innovation and economic growth, but is also essential to formulating new ideas and solutions to global problems.

Pushpendra Malik

Venkateshwara Group of Institutions founded in 1998, we are one of the oldest and best B.Ed & Pharmacy colleges in Meerut. Our goal is to provide quality, affordable education to all so that the deserving can achieve their professional objectives. Know More About us 

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