
Why should India Innovate

India should innovate because it saves valuable foreign exchange spent on buying technology. 

We should engrave the culture of innovation from school itself because they nurture the country’s future.

Problem solving, & critical thinking are the skills in high demand because they promote innovation.

Innovation leads to prosperity as new products address societal needs & offer services at competitive rates.

From driving Fiat cars (Premier Padmini) to adopting better technology Maruti cars, innovation has improved people’s lives.

Innovation brings economic growth because, by adopting technology, companies reduce costs & offer superior products to the customers.

In India, when Suzuki Motor launched Maruti 800, people were apprehensive as people were in the wait & watch mode.

Maruti became hit with a major market share because consumers endorsed it for giving mileage & enjoyable driving experience.

Companies offering better technology will grow because they have improved their products keeping in mind consumers sentiments.

Consumers want advanced products at competitive prices because technology makes life simpler.

India, as a developing nation, should innovate because our huge population demands enough food grains, & a protein-rich diet.

India, owing to technology, has achieved surplus food grains & milk production because of green & white revolutions.

Without innovation sustenance is difficult because fossil fuels are depleting rapidly.

In India, with high fuel prices, companies giving good mileage will survive because they satisfy consumer’s intent.

To remain competitive, organizations should innovate because better products will increase their market share.

India should innovate because by developing superior product’s it can tap newer markets & can earn valuable foreign exchange.

India, owing to its young population, has immense demographic benefits capable of fostering discoveries.

Why should India innovate for dominating the world

All technical institutions should collaborate with the Department of Science & Technology (DST) GOI for innovating technologies that will dominate the world.

One such is the Electric Vehicle technology. The world is striving for excellence in EVs because it’s a necessity owing to depleting fossil fuels.

If Tesla can develop electric vehicles, the Indian talent is competent to develop a superior economical variant.

The need is nurturing a culture of innovation in HEIs because they are the paragons of knowledge.

Rather than recruiting faculty with research papers, we should hire faculty developing prototypes because they can usher innovation.

Just giving lectures & passing exams will fetch a degree but not jobs because companies want problem solvers with good aptitude.

Around 90% of our engineers are unemployable because they lack application skills requiring critical thinking.

We should lay the foundation for innovation in school itself, where students should conduct experiments that foster learning.

We should discourage mugging because it inhibits thinking skills vital for innovation.

India should innovate because it’s the best way to grow economically because global buyers endorse superior products.

Had we not invented better agricultural techniques India cannot feed its mammoth population because no country will give food grains without some conditions?

Innovation is the foundation for future technologies because through R & D researchers develop products that quench human appetite.

The mobiles used in the 2000s to the smartphones we use today highlights the importance of innovation for human good.

Innovation is the key to sustenance because, with superior products & services, it empowers to face challenges .

Boats & ships were an initial mode of transport that was slow & uncomfortable because of poor technology. Overtime we developed faster modes of transport like airplanes covering distances in short time.

Electric Vehicle technology

India should make an all-out effort to develop EV technology because it’s the next revolution capable of fostering prosperity.

Such vehicles are a necessity because most countries encounter high fuel costs & look for alternative transport modes.

The challenges we face instigate us for finding solutions because it’s the only way to survive in a transforming world.

The regular paper leak of competitive exams has forced governments to adopt technology that is foolproof because the deserving should get a fair share.

Authorities conduct all reputed government exams in online mode because it reduces malpractices.

The smart phones have enabled internet penetration for the masses & children are learning job oriented courses because technology has enabled this.

Google & YouTube have proved to be the biggest university because a learner learns at his pace & clarifies doubts until satisfied.

This is possible through innovation because content developers developed high-quality content found useful by learners.

Initiatives like the Atal Tinkering Labs & Atal Incubation Centers are fostering inventiveness in schools & incubating startups in colleges & universities.

To usher innovation, these drives are important because, with demographic advantage, India can dominate the world.

When a student learns through practice, then they engrave it for life because learning by doing is crucial for understanding.

By fostering innovation, India can improve its fiscal deficit because, by developing cost effective machines, it can reduce imports of machinery.

Today the world is using Chinese machines because by innovation they developed them at reduced costs.

Institutions foster discoveries

Venkateshwara Group of Institutions Meerut is doing commendable work in innovation because they have a world class infrastructure of labs & workshops inspiring R & D.

The Group chairman, Dr Sudhir Giri, promulgates affordable education because professional education is vital for a dignified life.

India should innovate because no country will share Cryogenic engines & space technologies vital for commercial gains.

India’s premier space agency ISRO is doing a commendable work by launching 104 satellites in a single flight.

India needs to nurture institutions like the Center for Scientific & Industrial research (CSIR) because they are the epitome of scientific research.  

Such institutions collaborate with private manufacturers & develop cost effective technology for commercial use.  

The various awards won by the founders of VGI Meerut are a testimony to their commitment to education, because affordable education is their motto.

India should promote research in Biomedical engineering because almost 90% of medical devices are being imported.

For medical devices, we should promote incubation centers fostering research because they will promote indigenous production of medical equipment.

Pushpendra Malik

Venkateshwara Group of Institutions founded in 1998, we are one of the oldest and best B.Ed & Pharmacy colleges in Meerut. Our goal is to provide quality, affordable education to all so that the deserving can achieve their professional objectives. Know More About us 

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