
BALLB colleges in Ghaziabad

There are around 17 BALLB colleges in Ghaziabad that offer the 5 years Integrated BALLB course.

Some of them shortlist candidates based on the marks achieved in the qualifying examination, while many select candidates based on their marks in CUET UG, CLAT or similar exams.

Some of the BALLB colleges in Ghaziabad are:

Venkateshwara Group of Institutions NCR

Shri Venkateshwara University Gajraula

IAMR Law College Ghaziabad

IME Law College Ghaziabad

BALLB Government Colleges in Ghaziabad UP

Some of the popular BALLB Government colleges near Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh (UP) are:

Name of the InstitutionPlace
Agra CollegeAgra
Atal Bihari Vajpayee College of Legal Studies, CSJM University KanpurKanpur
Babu Jagjivan Ram Institute of LawJhansi
Balaji College of LawSaharanpur
Bundelkhand UniversityJhansi
CMP Degree CollegePrayagraj/Allahabad
Dharma Samaj CollegeAligarh
National Law University (NLU)Prayagraj
National Law University (NLU)Lucknow
Faculty of Law, BHUVaranasi
Faculty of Law, Allahabad UniversityAllahabad
GBUGreater Noida
Ishwar Saran Degree CollegeAllahabad
Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Language UniversityLucknow
Maa Shakumbari UniversitySaharanpur
Prof Rajendra Singh UniversityPrayagraj
Sadanlal Sanwaldas Khanna Mahila MahavidyalayaAllahabad
Finally VBSPUJaunpur

Apart from the above, there are many other private institutions that offer the BALLB course that allows aspirants to pursue law right after passing class 12th.

The advantage of BALLB over LLB is that BALLB completes in 5 years, while LLB takes 6 years to complete. 3 years for graduation & 3 years for LLB total 6 years.

BALLB Eligibility

10+2 with 45% marks.

Hence, students of all streams Arts/Science/Commerce are eligible to pursue BALLB that saves 1 year compared with LLB that requires 6 years to complete.

BALLB Colleges in Ghaziabad Fees

To get an overview of the fees at BALLB colleges, please refer to the following link:

Ghaziabad Law College List

A comprehensive list of the BALLB Colleges in Ghaziabad is mentioned below:

Name of the Institution
Shri Venkateshwara University
Venkateshwara Group of Institutions
Sunder deep College of Law
Moreover Sant Vivekananda College of Law & Higher Studies
Then Royal College of Law
Further Mewar Law Institute
LSR Law Academy Ghaziabad
Kamkus College of Law
IPEM Law Academy
Integrated School of Law

With the government striving to provide speedy justice to the masses India needs competent legal professionals who can realize this dream of the Government.

The BALLB degree opens the door for a flourishing legal career because students can pursue law right after passing class 12th.

Further, as every industry is a young man industry hence young law graduates are energetic and can work hard to provide speedy justice to the masses.

Government institutions usually shortlist candidates using their scores in exams like CUET UG, CLAT, or others.

Alternatively, some institutions admit candidates based on their marks in the qualifying examination.

One such institution doing commendable work is Shri Venkateshwara University, which is a UGC recognized university in Gajraula UP.

The School of Law & Jurisprudence at SVU provides excellent facilities, including spacious classrooms, a dedicated library, and moot courts for real-world practice.

The primary motto of the institution is to nurture experiential learning so that students are ready for real life practice.

Dedicated faculty members help students understand concepts by providing real-life experiences through moot courts, legal aid clinics, and internships.

Internships give students the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in class to real-world situations. This ensures they are job ready from day 1.

The teaching method at Shri Venkateshwara University is student centric with a focus on actual work application.

Huge Requirement of Civil Judges

Apart from the lecture mode, students learn through a variety of ways like role playing, quizzes, projects, legal aid clinics, & more.

This ensures our teaching matches the current market needs, ensuring our students are job-ready.

As of October 2024, there are over 51 million pending cases in India’s courts, including over 180,000 cases that have been unresolved for over 30 years in high and district courts.

The challenges include a shortage of judges and court staff, inadequate infrastructure, case complexity, evidence issues, and the need for cooperation from stakeholders.

Hence, a legal degree can lead to an exciting career where you help deliver timely justice to victims.

India also faces a shortage of Magistrates & Judges to deliver judgement in cases.

By clearing the Judicial services examination, students can become a civil judge & help the Government clear backlog of cases.

The Indian judicial Services exam extends into 3 stages comprising Prelims, Mains & Viva Voice. For the preliminary exam, the pass percentage is 60% for General Category & 55% for reserved categories.

For the Mains, candidates scoring 50% or higher qualify for the next round, while those in reserved categories need at least 45%. For the Viva Voice, candidates must score at least 20 marks to be selected for the Civil Judge position.

Hence, the selection process is simple & candidates can easily secure the minimum percentage of 60% to qualify for the Mains.

BALLB Colleges in Noida

Noida offers around 10 BALLB colleges that students can explore to pursue a law career.

Name of the Institution
Firstly Amity Law School Noida
Then IMS Noida
Amity University Noida
Moreover Maharishi University of Information Technology
Symbiosis International University (SIUN) Noida Campus
Further Symbiosis Law School Noida
Delhi Metropolitan Education Noida
Asian Law College Noida
Finally AEH Noida

Pushpendra Malik

Venkateshwara Group of Institutions founded in 1998, we are one of the oldest and best B.Ed & Pharmacy colleges in Meerut. Our goal is to provide quality, affordable education to all so that the deserving can achieve their professional objectives. Know More About us 

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