
Which is better a government or private B.ed

There is nothing like a government or a private B.ed degree because a B.ed recognized by NCTE is the best.

Further, a B.ed from a UGC recognized university is valid because all schools, whether government or private, accept it.

What matters is the best teaching practices one gains because it empowers for quality teaching.

In India, teaching has transitioned from being rote to application based because innovation is vital for survival.

A teacher teaches all other professions, hence the quality of teaching is primordial. The National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) governs the teacher education in the country as teachers nurture the future of the nation.

While short listing B.ed colleges, candidates should check the following criteria:

Infrastructure & facilities,


Internship & teaching method.

 Choose colleges that have well-ventilated classrooms fitted with digital aids because they facilitate learning through discussion.

Colleges having a lush green environment are ideal because green spaces relieve stress & help to concentrate better.

The faculty plays a formidable role in nurturing quality teachers because they transmit skills vital for teaching. Their years of experience helps in propagating traits that make an excellent teacher.

Candidates should interact with faculty & apprise about their skills because they will learn new skills in the 2 years B.ed course.

The faculty at good B.ed colleges have spent their life garnering skills that make an outstanding teacher because experience leads to excellence.

Ensure your college provides an internship because it fills the gap between theory & practice vital for placement. Through an internship, students apply knowledge in actual situations, thus nurturing hands-on skills vital for the job.

Most schools hire teachers who have interned at schools because they are aware of the school’s functioning.

Which is better a government or private B.ed – either is good

Schools hire a B.ed teacher, whether from a government or private institute, because it trains in the best way of teaching.

Further, a B.ed also educates about counselling because children are shy about expressing their fears about learning.

The way they deliver the course is important because learning by doing is vital for concept internalization.

Colleges should involve students through role plays, projects, & assignment because experiential learning fosters lifelong learning.

Choose government or private B.ed colleges that offer curricular activities because they improve your personality for a successful teaching career.

Colleges that organize visits to old age, & orphanage homes are ideal because it nurtures empathy vital for a successful teaching career.

Pushpendra Malik

Venkateshwara Group of Institutions founded in 1998, we are one of the oldest and best B.Ed & Pharmacy colleges in Meerut. Our goal is to provide quality, affordable education to all so that the deserving can achieve their professional objectives. Know More About us 

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