
Why teaching is a noble profession

Teaching is a noble profession because it entails giving knowledge to students & inspiring them for higher achievements in life.

A teacher teaches all other professions.

He needs to be updated because only then he can impart knowledge.

A teacher goes out of the way because he feels proud when his students are successful.

Teaching requires commitment, selflessness & dedication because, for students to grasp well, teachers should explain the topic easily.

Before teaching any topic, a teacher should study it well because explaining in the easiest manner is crucial.

There is already everything written in books. Then why do we need teachers?

We need teachers to explain the concept in a layman’s language because students study many subjects & need help for understanding the concept.

Teaching is a noble profession because they nurture the future of the country.

A country having excellent teachers shines because they nurture Engineers & Doctors who establish a developed nation.

If teachers cannot explain the concept, then the country struggles because of a lack of quality engineers & scientists that foster development.

The government’s National Education Policy (NEP) makes the teacher primary in fostering development because they nurture the country’s future.

There is a tremendous scope in teaching because, with the right to education, the government is actively recruiting teachers.

Most parents want to teach their wards in English medium schools because it’s the most spoken language in the professional world.

Teachers show unwavering commitment because of their passion & the responsibility of nurturing the future of the country. A country cannot develop without outstanding teachers because they make the subject interesting for the students.

A good teacher prepares his topic beforehand because it’s crucial for a proper explanation for the students.

Why teaching is a noble profession because of commitment

This requires dedication because teachers skip other things & prepare their topics for conceptual clarity.

Their steadfast passion for their profession motivates them to teach because students are the future of the country.

For understanding, teachers refer original books so that they can easily explain the topic to their students.

Excellence comes by doing a task repeatedly because practice makes a man perfect. Similarly, over the years, they improve teaching because teachers mature with experience.

Teaching is a noble profession because we admire them when their pupils succeed in life.

The world knows the achievement of Anand Kumar of Super 30, who trains under privileged students for cracking the IIT entrance exam.

Every year on September 5th we celebrate Teachers Day to felicitate teachers because they nurture the educated class of the country.

In a recession or war, teaching continues unabated because knowledge enhancement is a continuous process.

During Corona & the ongoing Ukraine war teaching has sustained because it’s crucial for humanity.

We need new skills because older ones will become redundant because of advances in science & technology.

In the IT sector we need full stack developers, & back end developers in large numbers because of evolution in the ways of doing business.

Now we need expert trainers who train on new technologies because they are important for gaining employment.

Online platforms like Udemy & Coursera hire skilled teachers because they are crucial for nurturing the future workforce of the country.

India needs skilled VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration
) engineers because they design semiconductors used in all industries.

We exhaust precious foreign exchange in importing semiconductors from Taiwan & South Korea, the largest chip exporters in the world.

Teaching is evergreen

For making India self-reliant in semiconductors, we need experts who train on manufacturing chips which we export to earn foreign exchange.

Teaching is a noble profession because it decides the growth trajectory of the country.

India has progressed because we have teachers who nurture students of IIT’s, NIT’s & other research institutions crucial for making India an innovation powerhouse.

India is the medical destination because we provide quality medical services at a fraction compared to western countries.

This was possible through expert teachers who painstakingly nurtured quality Doctors for the country. Now India offers the best of medical facilities because our teachers are the best.

Teaching is a noble profession because it adopts different teaching methods that fosters conceptual understanding for the students.

Teachers motivate students because every child has different learning abilities they polish for a successful career.

Teachers should involve students in the learning process because they learn through practice, leading to clarity. They are in the backend because they toil for their students provided the students also work hard.

Teachers feel elated when students achieve higher positions & attribute their success to the expert guidance of their teachers.

Pushpendra Malik

Venkateshwara Group of Institutions founded in 1998, we are one of the oldest and best B.Ed & Pharmacy colleges in Meerut. Our goal is to provide quality, affordable education to all so that the deserving can achieve their professional objectives. Know More About us 

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