Why do we need teachers
We need teachers because through they impart skills & knowledge that lay the foundation of a progressive society.
A country with excellent teachers advances because they built a sound foundation crucial for innovation & growth.
Countries like Japan, Germany & South Korea have grown owing to their robust education system comprising exemplary teachers.
A teacher nurtures a toddler from early classes & builds a firm base by clarifying concepts easily.
Nobody can deny the contribution teachers make towards the development of the nation.
A teacher teaches all other professions.
A country cannot progress without outstanding teachers because they impart skills vital for nation building.
India, which gained independence 75 years ago, has successfully devised its own Corona vaccine.
This cannot be possible without teachers imparting skills prudent for vaccine development because innovation is the key.
Teachers not only transmit hard skills but also train on interpersonal skills crucial for successful careers. Teachers present the topic easily, leading to understanding of the concepts.
Without teachers explaining the concept, students cannot imbibe because teachers teach for understanding.
The Corona induced pandemic shifted teaching to online mode because it was unsafe for students to attend school.
Students enjoy learning from educators who easily explain the concept correlating it with everyday life.
Without teachers who have mastered their subject through years of teaching, students cannot imbibe concepts because learning without understanding is futile.
Teachers break down concepts into easy language for proper understanding of the students.
Why do we need teachers – for clear understanding
Both Government & private schools play a crucial role in eradicating illiteracy because they spread knowledge far & wide. The commendable work of Government teachers in banishing illiteracy is illuminating the life of villagers & safeguarding them against exploitation.
In schools, teachers are role models because their pupils emulate their behavior. Teachers deftly explaining concepts in Math & Sciences inspire students to pursue careers in Science & technology.
A teacher who explains biological concepts adroitly motivates his pupils to pursue a career in medicine.
In fact, teachers are the catalysts that inspire students to take progressive careers in Science, leadership, or entrepreneurship.
We attribute Japan’s technological advancement to their teachers teaching Math’s well, further stoking interest in the subject.
We need teachers to make the topic interesting because most students hate math & Science.
It’s the teacher who teaches the subject well & generates interest in the topic. Without teachers, most students would drop out because they will find STEM subjects difficult to understand.
Educators should prepare charts & TLMs that make learning fun for the learners.
By preparing charts, educators create interest in the topic which motivates students to pursue STEM careers vital for technological advancement of the country.
In India, nobody can deny Dr R S Agarwal & Dr R D Sharma’s contribution in making mathematics easier for the students.
The teacher’s passion for their subject motivates them to teach in a manner that is appreciated by the students, leading to an interest in the subject.
The commendable work by NCERT in preparing good Science books answers the question: why do we need tutors?
Experience breeds expertise
NCERT books clarify the concept, further generating interest in the subject.
Educators are experts in the science of teaching because they are qualified to teach. They present the topic well so that students grasp the concept without the need to refer to multiple books.
An engineering student studies around 8 subjects in a semester. They stretched students for time because for getting good grades they should clear all the subjects.
While the Lecturer has mastered his subject through years of teaching because certain concepts get clarified with experience.
A person studying one subject is better positioned to clarify concepts because he has mastered the concepts through years of teaching. That’s the reason we need tutors, because they explain the concepts for clear understanding.
Most engineering colleges running CSE courses hire trainers because they foster application of concepts students study in class.
Without these Python or ML trainers, students would struggle to grasp concepts because trainers have gained expertise through year of experience.
A person teaching a subject for years gains expertise, which enables them to clarify concepts faster than students doing on their own.