
What is the scope of library science?

There is a tremendous scope of library science because all schools, colleges & universities hire librarians to manage their knowledge repositories.

India is undergoing a knowledge revolution where people gain new skills for remaining afloat in the job market.

They are seeking new skills because firms demand skills & not just degrees.

People are constantly upgrading their skills because new technologies require people with additional skill sets.

Such professionals look for calm & serene places to study & hone their skills because the job market is volatile.

The onset of public libraries has allowed people to refine their skills because they offer the ideal infrastructure for studying.

Cities are seeing a trend of public libraries where students get a calm environment to study. This is predominant in metros because people live in cramped spaces, leaving little space for the learners.

Professionals after office hours visit such libraries because they provide a serene environment crucial for success.

Library Science has existed for thousands of years because in olden times librarians managed records of kings & chieftains.

Library profession has transformed from keeping books to database management & Information management because librarians are an asset from any institution.

They are experts in organizing, managing, retrieving, arranging & presenting information because they present information to the users.

Schools, colleges or universities cannot function without them because they manage knowledge repositories crucial for knowledge disbursement.

Librarians should be tech savvy because institutions are adopting Learning Management systems for students.

Libraries provide a study environment matched by none because they are calm spaces that allow focus for better internalization.

All colleges & universities have a dedicated library for learning because learning is a continuous process.

Scope of Library science

Many new educational institutions are coming up requiring librarians for knowledge management because they are experts in information management. Libraries are a convenient & economic source of knowledge because many books are costly to purchase.

As India transcends on its growth, journey librarians are crucial because they manage a convenient space for knowledge at a paltry subscription. Most engineering & medical books are costly because of hefty copyright, while public libraries offer these at a nominal subscription.

Instead of purchasing every book, students issue them from libraries & study for exams. Students judge the worth of an institution from the size of its library because libraries have many books.

The government is setting up new institutions requiring librarians to manage them because libraries are crucial for knowledge. Government institutions pay librarians at par with lecturers because they manage the knowledge ecosystem of the institute.

They have a stable life as they manage an important department of the institutions. Librarians can have many job titles like:

Job Titles:


Library Assistant

Information Assistant

Library Attendant

Deputy Librarian

Senior Information Analyst

They can hire you as university/college librarian and Head of Department of Library.

You can also join corporate sectors in areas such as marketing, web content management and design, knowledge management, database development, reference tool development, information systems, publishing and Internet coordination.





Corporate Training Centre

Research Institutions

Media Organizations

Consultant Firms

Pushpendra Malik

Venkateshwara Group of Institutions founded in 1998, we are one of the oldest and best B.Ed & Pharmacy colleges in Meerut. Our goal is to provide quality, affordable education to all so that the deserving can achieve their professional objectives. Know More About us 

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