
What is Paramedical


Paramedical, as the name suggests, is a specialized healthcare branch that runs parallel to medical science.

They assist doctors by providing essential reports that help to pinpoint the exact cause of disease so that they diagnose the problem accurately.

Paramedics provide emergency medical support. They also help in readying the operating theater. The paramedics collaborate with the medical team to ensure patients receive the best possible medical care.

They accompany patients in specialized ambulances and provide critical emergency support to stabilize the patient before a Doctor attends them.

Without the paramedic support, doctors cannot diagnose the exact cause of disease nor conduct complex operations in the OT.

In fact, paramedical support is essential in all medical procedures because they are the trained technicians who ensure the OT machines & OT works properly during an operation. Likewise, as Physiotherapists they ensure patients don’t develop rigidity on their joints during old age.

As Medical Lab technologists, they prepare diagnostic reports by collecting patients’ samples based on which doctors start medication.

Paramedics are an integral part of the healthcare system because they comfort trauma patients before they reach a hospital for life-saving procedures.

States and Union Territories (UTs) reported 4,12,432 road accidents in 2021, resulting in the loss of 1,53,972 lives and injuries to 3,84,448 individuals.

Compared to the previous year 2020, there was an average increase of 12.6 percent in the number of road accidents, 16.9 percent in deaths, and 10.39 percent in injuries.

On average, this translates to 1130 accidents and 422 deaths every day, or 47 accidents and 18 deaths every hour across the country. 

A major reason for road accident fatalities is the non-availability of paramedic care to the injured before reaching the hospital.

The paramedics provide critical support to the injured & stabilize them before they reach the hospital.

Paramedical Courses after 12th

Para medical courses are educational programs that provide specialized training in different healthcare fields. 

Para medical courses provide specialized training in various healthcare fields, preparing students for careers that support medical professionals without requiring a medical degree. 

Some of the popular paramedical course after 12th are:

Popular Paramedical Courses List
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT)Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (BOT)
Bachelor of Medical Lab Technology (BMLT)Bachelor of Optometry (BOptom)
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT)Bachelor of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology (BASLP)
Diploma in Medical Imaging Technology (DMIT)Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology (DOTT)
Diploma in Dialysis Technology (DDT)Diploma in X-Ray Technology (DXT)
Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology (DMLT)Diploma in Ophthalmic Technology (DOT)

Undergraduate Paramedical Courses List

UG Paramedical courses typically last between three and four years. 

Bachelor of Radiation TechnologyBSc Medical Lab Technology
Bachelor of PhysiotherapyBSc in Optometry
Bachelor of Occupational TherapyBSc in X-ray Technology
BSc in Nuclear Medicine Technology
BSc in Dialysis TherapyBSc in Operation Theatre Technology

A look at the above courses reveals that these technical courses are vital for the efficiency of the healthcare system.

Paramedical Course Fees?

Paramedical Course FeeCertificate courses: Around INR 50,000 per semester Diploma courses – INR 35,000 to INR 40,000  Bachelor’s degree – INR 60,000 (per annum)  Master’s degree – INR 40,000 to INR 50,000

Now we are clear what is paramedical and to get more details about Paramedical Course fees, please refer the following link

What are paramedical course subjects?

The various paramedical course subjects are:

Subject TitleSubject Details
AnatomyIntroduction to the human body and various systems and functions of the human body are discussed in this subject. It includes detailed concepts related to locomotion, circulatory system, gastro-intestinal system, and other important functions like digestion, circulation, excretion, etc.
PhysiologyThis subject explains the composition of the human body, cardiovascular, respiratory, special senses, nervous system, etc., are explained in this subject. The functions of special senses, reflexes, the human body, blood platelets, and many other organs and systems are briefly described in this subject.
BiochemistryIntroduction to lab apparatus, the atomic structure of the human cell, acids, bases, salts, and indicators, and related topics and concepts are covered in this subject. It also includes different lab apparatus like volumetric flasks, funnels, dispensers, centrifuge tubes, etc.
PathologyIn this subject we discuss Haematology, clinical pathology, blood bank, and related concepts. It includes a detailed study of clinical pathology, emphasising urine examination, examination of other body fluids, Haematology, and much more.
MicrobiologyIn this subject we cover Growth and nutrition, morphology, immunology, systematic bacteriology, and other concepts . It includes concepts like morphology, growth and nutrition, sterilisation and disinfection, etc.

Specializations offered in some Paramedical courses are:

Ophthalmic TechnologyHuman Anatomy Ocular Microbiology, Anatomy, and, Pathology Clinical Pathology Pharmacology Refraction Clinical Refraction Clinical Optics and Orthoptics Investigative Ophthalmology Community OphthalmologyIn this specialisation we discuss the technologies and treatment procedures medical practioners follow in India and abroad for curing eye issues and disorders.
Medical Lab TechnologyBiochemistry Health Education and Health Communication Human Anatomy Human Physiology Pathology Immunology Advanced Diagnostic Techniques Clinical Endocrinology and Toxicology Parasitology and Virology Microbiology Immunology and SerologyThe various procedures and tests conducted in the medical lab of the hospitals/clinics are explained in this specialisation.
PhysiotherapyPhysiology Basic Nursing Pathology Pharmacology Allied Therapies Community Medicine Electrotherapy Biochemistry Sociology General Medicine Microbiology Exercise Therapy Orientation of Physiotherapy Basics of Neurology Introduction to TreatmentIn this specialization we cover various treatments and concepts related to physiotherapy procedures.
Occupational TherapyAnatomy Pharmacology Physiology Biochemistry Psychology-1 Occupational Therapy-1 Microbiology and Pathology Occupational Therapy-2 Biostatistics and Research Methodology Clinical Neurology General Surgery Occupational Therapy in Mental Health Occupational Therapy in Neurology Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation Occupational Therapy in Paediatrics and Developmental DisabilitiesIn this specialization we include the different applications of medicine and psychological therapies.
Dental HygieneDental Radiology Food and Nutrition Anatomy, General and Dental Pathology and Microbiology Pharmacology, General and Dental Basic knowledge of computers Physiology and Histology, General and Dental Dental Materials Dental Ethics and Jurisprudence: Orientation in Dentistry Dental Health Education Preventive Dentistry Dental Hygiene and Oral ProphylaxisIn this specialization we cover different concepts, tests, and procedures involved in dentistry.
AnaesthesiaIntroduction to Anaesthesia Biochemistry Metabolic response to stress and trauma Defensive Anaesthesia Post-Anaesthesia Care Rooms Pharmacology of Anaesthesia Applied Human Anatomy and PhysiologyThe various tests and procedures for administering anaesthetic medicines are part of this specialisation.

paramedical salary in India

CourseStarting Salary (per annum)
Firstly BSc NursingINR 1.8 – INR 4.9 lakhs
Then Diploma in Medical Laboratory TechnologyINR 2.1 – INR 4 lakhs
Moreover BSc OptometryINR 3.2 – INR 4.2 lakhs
BSc RadiographyINR 1.2 – INR 7.6 lakhs
Bachelor of PhysiotherapyINR 2.6 – INR 5 lakhs
BSc RadiotherapyINR 1 – INR 5 lakhs
BSc Audiology & Speech TherapyINR 3 – INR 8 lakhs
Bachelor in Occupational TherapyINR 2 – INR 8 lakhs
BSc Operation Theater TechnologyINR 2 – INR 10 lakhs

Highest Paying Jobs in Paramedical are:

Job RoleAverage Monthly Salary (INR)
Firstly MRI Technologist68000
Then Radiologist67000
Moreover OT Technician30000
Further Audiologist25000
Occupational Therapist22000
Finally EMT20000

So paramedical is a job-oriented field that supplements healthcare and assists doctors in carrying out complex medical procedures with precision.

With hi-tech biomedical machinery in healthcare, paramedics are important because they operate these machines and provide reports for doctors to pinpoint the exact cause.

So, what are you waiting for, visit Shri Venkateshwara University under Venkateshwara Group of Institutions to choose the best paramedical course for yourself?

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