UP b.ed Counselling
UP B.ed counselling is the buzzword because, after knowing their UP B.ed JEE 2022 results, candidates are waiting for counselling.
Further, the UP B.ed counselling 2022 will take place in the last week of September because all universities will declare their graduation results by Sept 15th.
Besides, this will pave the way for Up B.ed counselling 2022 because all candidates will have their results handy before the counselling. This is welcome news for candidates, as colleges did not announce their final year results.
Further, this delay is to foster the result announcement by all universities before Sept 15th, so that candidates have their mark sheet before the start of counselling.
In addition, only CCS University Meerut & DDU University Gorakhpur have declared their final year results.
Noteworthy is the number of B.ed seats available at CCS University Meerut, which has the maximum seats in UP. It has 43000 B.ed seats, making it an ideal choice for pursuing a B.ed because Meerut has over 100 colleges offering B.ed.
Likewise, those ranking till 7800 can get aided colleges while others will get unaided colleges as approx. 6 lakh took part in the UP B.ed JEE 2022.
Besides the UP B.ed counselling, 2022 expected cutoff is:
Category | UP B.Ed. JEE Expected Cut off 2022 out of 400 Marks |
EWS | 355 to 361 |
General | 342 to 348 |
OBC | 340 to 345 |
Ex. Servicemen | 318 to 323 |
Freedom Fighters | 312 to 317 |
SC | 215 to 230 |
ST | 211 to 220 |
PH | 209 to 215 |
Candidates know that after the declaration of final year results by Sept 15th counselling will start in the last week of September. Likewise, they should explore colleges so that they can select good colleges for their choice filling.
Further, in choice filling candidates should fill maximum colleges because over 2 Lakh seats are up for grabs. They should choose colleges in Meerut because it has the highest number of B.ed colleges in UP.
Meerut with many colleges offers competitive fees & many options because it has 4 universities offering quality education. Besides, Meerut has established itself as an education city because, with multiple options, students get value for money.
Further, it is the preferred choice for education because it has ample PG facilities for boys & girls, as many residents have converted their homes into Pgs. The city has excellent commute facilities because it is an industrial town famous for its sports goods & publishing houses.
Moreover, Meerut is an army cantt with a cosmopolitan culture, as people from all sects & communities live in complete harmony. Further, the rapid rail will be functional from 2023, putting Meerut on the growth track.
Besides, Meerut has many schools offering plenty of opportunities for teachers because teaching is the most stable profession. Further, teaching is time bound as teachers are free by 3 PM, giving them ample time for other chores.
UP B.ed Counselling Rounds:
First counselling (Round 1)
Pool counselling (Round 2)
Direct admission (Round 3)
Besides, the requirements to take part in Up B.ed counselling are:
Candidates should be ready with the following documents for UP B.ed counselling registration:
· Bank Account Details
This should be in the candidates’ name or their Father or Mother’s name.
Information needed
Account number
IFSC code
Bank name
In case they do not allot the candidate a seat, they will refund the advance college fee paid in first counselling and full college fee paid in pool counselling into this account only.
· For candidates appearing in qualifying examination 2022
It is mandatory for those candidates who have appeared in the qualifying examination in 2022 to upload their qualifying examination mark sheet at the time of counselling registration.
For this, they would require a scanned copy of the mark sheet of qualifying examination in case appearing in 2022.
They will accept only the original mark sheet
They will not accept provisional / internet mark sheet unless the principal of the college or Registrar of the University verifies it.
FIRST COUNSELLING (ROUND 1) Step 1: Registration
· They would divide the counselling into phases based on state rank.
Only candidates falling within the announced state rank range can take part in that phase.
The authorities will declare the detailed phase wise schedule before the counselling. · Candidates have to login using their login detail. In case they have forgotten the password, they can regenerate it through the link provided.
Upon login, they have to fill the details of the bank account.
· Further, candidates appearing in the qualifying examination in 2022 and whose result has been declared have to enter the marks and upload the scanned copy of their mark sheet.
Further, candidates registered for counselling have to fill their choices according to their preferences.
Candidates can give as many choices as they want
We advise candidates to give more choices to avoid rejection in allotment.
· They can preview & rearrange their choices several times until final submission.
· They can fill their choices in multiple sessions. There is an option to save these choices before logging out. Further, those not saving will lose their data.
· The choices filled by the candidate are final and they cannot change them once locked. Thus, in their own interest, candidates must fill in a sufficiently large number of choices of college in required order of preference.
· If a candidate has submitted the choices but not locked after the last date of choice filling is over, we will automatically lock it before seat allotment.
College Allotment
· Further, authorities will do college allotment based on the state rank of the candidate and the colleges they have selected in order of preference during counseling.
State reservation policy to be followed by Aided and Government colleges only.
· Further, seat allotment result will be available on candidate login only.
Provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter download
· All candidates allotted college will have to download a Provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter.
In case the college fee is more than the advance college fee, the candidates will have to pay the balance amount online within three days of college allotment before they can download Provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter.
In case the college fee is less than the advance college fee, they can download this provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter. Authorities would refund the excess fee amount to the candidate from the allotted college.
The candidate has to report to an allotted college within seven days from the allotment date with all the original documents, along with a provisional cum allotment cum confirmation letter.
The Principal of the allotted college will physically verify the original documents.
If the college authority does not find the documents of candidates valid, they will cancel his/her candidature.
Documents required for reporting
Candidates would need to carry the originals and self-attested copy of the following documents: · Printout of the provisional Allotment cum Confirmation letter from the governing University Portal
· Copy of Application form, Admit Card and score card of the UP B.ed J.E.E. 2022
Proof of Date of Birth: Class 10th certificate
All Mark Sheets and Certificates up to Qualifying Examination.
Category, sub category and weight age Certificates in original in the prescribed format
Original photo ID issued by the Government
Two passport sized photographs
Copies of all Fees Receipts
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