

The best B.ed colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh trains teachers who are sensitive & recognize that students have different learning levels. We train on experiential learning to prepare futuristic teachers. For the students to imbibe concepts, the teacher should recognize the learning gap. Moreover, he should make students take part in learning activity to find out their understanding.

One activity is making the students solve the question on board. This activity, though time-consuming, will pressurize the back benchers to clarify their doubts before their turn comes. Teachers mostly rely on the answers given by few bright students. While their role is to achieve learning for the entire class. This is possible through active participation of every child. Finally, VGI trains to achieve learning through participation to make us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh.

A school has periods for all subjects like science, math’s & English. By filing the timetable with games & curricular activities, we teachers should accord equal time to each activity as this will cut boredom & children will learn through participation. VGI trains its students on curricular activities to nurture outstanding teachers who make us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh UP.

Time management is an important skill for the teachers. They need to manage their classroom time, schedule examination timely & manage sports on time. Moreover, we train on effective time management to create professional teachers that brand us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh.

A teacher who can efficiently manage time will teach his pupils the importance of time. We organize a lot of events in schools and the ability to conduct them successfully requires good time management. Finally, VGI trains its teachers on systematic management of time to make us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh.

All subjects are of equal importance. A student may be good in math’s as he intends to be an engineer, while the other excels in English as he wants to be a news reporter. The teachers need to accord equal importance to all the subjects. They should organize quizzes on different subjects for the students to excel. This way English loving students will also have time to showcase their talent along with math’s loving ones. We train our teachers on the art of making quizzes as a learning activity. Finally teachers prepare thought-provoking questions to make us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh UP.

One important tool is diagnostic tests. These are not scoring exams, but they help the teachers segregate students who have understood from those who haven’t. The teacher’s ability is at test in preparing these tests.

VGI uses scientific training methods for preparing diagnostic tests. Moreover, our teachers excel by promoting real learning against rote to make us the best B.ed colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh UP.

The teacher should provide emotional support to the students. Teachers are their role model as students emulate them. They should act as advisors & counsellors to their students. During the pandemic, many students faced distress at home. Teachers should provide emotional support to such children to open up & discuss their mental state. This will help them mitigate their fears & concentrate on their studies. VGI prepares teachers who are experts in counseling because it is an important attribute of a teacher. Through counselling, they know a child’s pain & can provide an effective remedy. VGI educates exemplary counsellors to make us the best B.ed colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh UP.

Pushpendra Malik

Venkateshwara Group of Institutions founded in 1998, we are one of the oldest and best B.Ed & Pharmacy colleges in Meerut. Our goal is to provide quality, affordable education to all so that the deserving can achieve their professional objectives. Know More About us 

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