Today, India needs a scientific culture where teachers should make science as interesting as playing free fire game. The way youngsters spend time on their gadgets, they should spend time in the science & engineering labs. This is only possible when we detach the learning from marks. Teachers have a duty to ensure that learning is happening with understanding & not merely rote. Moreover, the emphasis should be on practical rather than theory. Finally, VGI nurtures teachers who adopt scientific methods to foster learning & make us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh.
Even in professional courses, people just want degrees to be eligible for jobs. They need to understand that the practical skills gained in labs will help them get jobs & not just their degrees. Please spend time in the college labs in order to hone practical skills for getting a job.
Moreover, VGI provides a demo room where teachers practice to improve their presentation skills & makes us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh.
The colleges should invest in their infrastructure as they will nurture skilled engineers & scientists. We shouldn’t recognize a college which lacks the required facilities.
Colleges should not award degrees without scoring at least seventy percent in practical’s. Only then can we ensure a culture of innovation. Moreover, VGI provides best infrastructure that trains futuristic teachers & make us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh.
The culture of innovation has to be created in schools but most of the schools discourage from experimenting in labs. They fear that their equipment may get broken & increase their expenses. Science teachers should practically make their pupils understand the concepts to have a conceptual understanding.
Just memorizing to score marks is futile because any concept understood by working in labs will lead to real learning. VGI prepares teachers who are adept in practice based learning to make us the best B.ed colleges in Meerut.
The scientific temper needs to be nurtured in schools. They are the building blocks of new India. The GOI has started the Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana (KVPY) to reward & incite interest in science.
India needs STEMM (Science Technology Engineering Mathematics Medicine) graduates to develop new technology.
For the success of ‘Make in India’ we need innovators who can devise technology at competitive prices. VGI provides labs with latest software & hardware that augments learning to make us the best B.ed colleges in Meerut.
The concept of internship should be in schools as practiced in Germany. The need of the hour is to foster hands-on skills, which are lacking. We should prepare students to complete internship in schools itself, as this will sharpen their skill set & make them employable. No Engineer should boast himself unless he has developed a prototype of innovation. Those teaching in engineering colleges should exhibit their knowledge in labs & not by lecturing in class. Those who have written research papers should first show its applicability for getting appointed as Lecturers. Then only we can reform our education system.
VGI provides compulsory internship to nurture glorious teachers that make us the best B.ed colleges in Meerut UP.
China has applied maximum patents in 2020 even more by USA. It has developed pocket friendly technology through sincere efforts. There is hardly any smart phone or laptop which is not being manufactured in China. They have toiled to innovate in labs & that too without learning English, now the world is learning their language-Mandarin.
Please let the children study science by making it interesting through innovative methods. Show them the experiments in labs to internalize the concepts. It’s like you learn to drive a car by practice & not by reading the car manual. VGI employs the latest tools like smart class to nurture ICT enabled teacher that make us the best B.ed colleges in Meerut UP.
The role of the teacher is crucial in fostering a scientific temper in the country. Children usually fear STEM subjects because teachers cannot generate interest in them. They need to teach in a manner which makes the topic easy & enjoyable. This is only possible by explaining them in the labs so that they have real learning.
We should base the selection of Science teachers on their ability to conduct experiments in labs, only then they could make the children understand. VGI has recruited experienced faculty who train on key skills to make us the best B.ed colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh.
The Indian education system adopts lecturing for knowledge giving. Most developed nations have already abandoned this. Learning happens by doing, that’s why in Math’s & Physics, the more you solve problems, the better you understand.
Lecture to introduce the topic, to make them understand, involve them in problem solving, experimenting & model making.
VGI adopts the latest teaching methods that foster conceptual understanding & make us the best B.ed colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh.
Last, please encourage your students in extra-curricular activities. This will develop team spirit, group behavior & interpersonal skills most crucial in life. No innovation can happen in solitude. It’s the teamwork that will lead to success. No single soldier can win a war, it’s their coordinated team work. By taking part in sports & games, children develop team spirit & loyalty. VGI trains its teachers to refine the overall personality of its students through encouragement that makes us the best b.ed colleges in Meerut Uttar Pradesh UP.
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