The best B.ed colleges in Meerut adopt innovative teaching methods to train its B.ed students. Now schools want teachers who are adept in the latest tools for learning. These are smart class & smart boards. VGI trains its students on the use of smart class & smart boards. These are the scientific tools that are used in all schools. Teachers adept in using these tools are confident & easily find jobs.
We stress on experiential learning for the students. Teachers should adopt different activities that bring about learning. One of them is a questionnaire. Questionnaire can be of different types – like short answer, one liner, MCQ & long answer type.
Today, we will discuss multiple-choice questions (MCQ). When designed logically, these questions instigate real learning as they provoke thoughts. A teacher should be an expert in designing MCQ that are probing in nature because these will help to diagnose the weak areas of the students & also train them on time management.
VGI trains its teachers on designing MCQ scientifically that provoke thinking & make us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut.
All the competitive examinations have MCQ. A student who has practiced MCQ will be at ease in these examinations, whether it’s JEE or UPJEE B.Ed. Moreover, by solving these questions within the stipulated time will train them on time management- a very crucial life skill.
VGI incorporates trainers who train our students on designing an efficient MCQ that strengthens learning & make us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut.
We train on discussion as an important learning activity. VGI supports its teachers to stimulate learning, which they can achieve through a discussion in the class. We train our students to present a topic in a manner that leads to understanding. Through open discussion, students imbibe concepts & we clarify their doubts instantaneously. By roll call every student will discuss on his turn that inspires learning to make us the best B.Ed. colleges in Meerut UP.
An important learning activity is summarizing. After they explain a topic, teachers should encourage students to summarize key teachings. They should divide students into groups so that they summarize in their group.
By taking part, students shun their inhibition & internalize the concept to make us the Best B.ed colleges in Meerut UP.
Model making or chart is another important learning activity. Once we have explained a concept, we should ask students to prepare its charts. This way, they will research the topic to garner useful information & understand the concept. While preparing the charts, they will clarify more of their doubts & will internalize the concept well. VGI trains its students on the principles of model making to make us the best B.ed colleges in Meerut UP.
One important teaching method is presentation. This method also fosters experiential learning. After the teacher has explained a topic as a homework, they can ask students to prepare & present it before the class. This way students will take part & we clarify their misconceptions to make us the best B.ed colleges in Meerut UP.
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