Advantages of BBA
The advantages of BBA is the high employability it offers because it’s a professional course that trains in the nuances of management.
The business world is highly competitive, requiring trained graduates in areas of marketing, finance, HRM & strategy.
The advantages of BBA is that it trains a 12th pass in different corporate functions as companies need people to manage its multiple operations.
We all acknowledge that every industry is a young man industry because firms hire graduates who are adept at managing its functions.
A BBA graduate studies business organization, economics, accounting & business communication that are vital for running a business entity. Their grasp of key management concepts makes them highly employable because businesses require leaders capable of taking timely decisions.
When compared to other course like law, CA, design, & others a BBA is more versatile because they can work in many sectors owing to their vast field of study.
A BBA graduate can work in the marketing department of IT firms, Print Media, Fashion Houses, Retail chains, Hotel industry & private universities, to name a few.
Besides, firms hire fresh business graduates which they can mold as per their needs because the business environment is constantly changing.
Some advantages of BBA are:
A BBA accords management expertise right after class 12th, as they are adept at different functions of the firm. This expertise helps in getting jobs because firms hire candidates who are job ready from day one. This allows graduates to become financially independent, which their peers from other streams lack.
After a few years of experience, most BBAs turn into entrepreneurs because they have sharpened their business skills by working in companies.
This is a life skill because firms can sustain themselves under all conditions, which is an excellent learning experience for a BBA graduate.
They can launch their startups & in the long run become successful entrepreneurs, thus giving jobs to many.
Firms absorb a BBA graduate in its different departments because they are experts in business management. This exposure refines their skills & nurtures them for higher roles in the latter part of their corporate journey.
Most BBA graduates aim to pursue MBA because it’s a postgraduate qualification in management. A BBA has already studied these subjects, so they find them easy to grasp while doing their MBA.
Besides, most BBAs have already gained practical experience after their studies, which readies them for an MBA qualification.
The job market is skill oriented as companies desire candidates who can get the job done. A BBA graduate is energetic because he is in his early 20s, giving them enough time to refine their skills through practice.
We engrave the concept of experiential learning into BBA because they can join a firm much earlier than other graduates, making them highly employable.
If you are an art/Commerce/Science student unsure of which career stream to choose, I would suggest BBA because it nurtures for a satisfying corporate career.
Firms are hunting talented people who can augment their revenues because businesses cannot survive without profits.
A BBA streamlines the different operations of the firms because they study business management. All products that are developed have a definitive market because they cater to a specific class of customers.
In order to position their product, firms require business graduates making the product well received in the market.
India is predominantly a service economy as 50% of our GDP comes from the service sector.
Due to lack of manufacturing engineering graduates other than CSE, struggle to find jobs because not much R & D happens in the manufacturing sector.
While a BBA is the match winner because they manage the vital operation of a business entity. Once they have understood the intricacies of business, they are better positioned for management roles because they successfully run the organization.
Those looking for management careers should do BBA because they specialize in:
These specializations cover the crux of management functions, rendering the BBA graduates readily employable.
All 12th pass irrespective of whether they are from Humanities/Science/Commerce can pursue BBA provided they have secured 45% marks. 5% relaxation to SC/ST candidates.
Post pandemic, the travel & tourism sector has reopened as people are thronging to their favorite destination to beat the lockdown boredom. Hotels are working in full capacity as people travel to add variety to their lifestyle.
Benefits of BBA in Marketing
Businesses cannot survive without marketing because more eyes means more buys. This validates why marketing is important because it nurtures brand value in the minds of customers who adore brand value.
From cars to smartphones to laptops to reality sector marketing is indispensable for all because it creates brand recall. A BBA in marketing opens a plethora of opportunities because marketing is crucial across all sectors.
Moreover, a BBA confers a graduate qualification in marketing, offering ample time for the students to learn through practice.
After a few years of experience, a BBA is better placed to take up senior roles because they have refined their skills with experience.
Why did you choose a BBA?
Through case studies & presentations, a BBA program nurtures communication skills that are vital for corporate careers. Further, communication is a life skill because almost all world leaders are excellent communicators.
Trade & economic development is the backbone of a nation’s growth because they create wealth for various welfare schemes.
Companies require wealth generators who can position their product & generate revenue because revenue growth helps to wade difficult times.
Almost all industries require business graduates because they practice the management principle for steering company’s growth.
Further, the BBA program opens a plethora of opportunities because they manage vital functions of the company.
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